25 June 2011

Find the Answers at Find All Answers!

Find All Answers (FAA) is a multi-niche blog authored by Jane Sheeba. This blog focuses mainly on blogging tips, relationships and self improvement.

When you enter her website, a dialog box shows. What does it have to offer? Well, by just filling up your name and email, you get 2 e-Books written by Jane Sheeba for free! The two books includes Problogging for Newbies (worth $24) and You Better Guide Time Management (worth $14). Once you fill in, you will receive these two books directly in your email for you to download. It's not spam nor does it have virus. I've tried it.

As a new blogger myself, I was very interest in her e-Book of Problogging for Newbies. This e-book covers topics on how to set up your blog, content for your blog, promotion and monetization of your blog and search engine optimization (SEO). I've read this amazing book awhile ago and it was awesome! I totally recommend this e-book to all new bloggers. The great thing about this book is that it is not some kind of cheap crap book and it is FREE. Thank you very much Jane! About the other ebook on time management, I haven't read it yet though, but I believe it is another free amazing e-book.

Jane Sheeba also provides some services such as Blog Audit,  Design Tweaks for your blog, Consultation, Thesis Theme Customization and Article Writing. You can also do a guest post in her website.

As the website says, Find All Answers, I believe this website helps you to find the answers to your questions about the major topics of blogging tips, relationships and self-improvent. Jane also states that if you can't find the answers you're looking for in her website, you can email her using the contact form provided on her website.

Well, I've come to the end of this post. So, don't forget to find your answers at Find All Answers!