24 June 2019

Pregnancy Yoga in Ipoh

I have no idea how I got to know about pregnancy yoga. Must be my habit of Googling pregnancy related stuff and found out about it. And so, my search began for a prenatal yoga classes in Ipoh. Alas, I couldn't find any and almost thought it didn't exist in Malaysia. But then, I found out there were a bunch of classes offered in KL.

I finally decided to ask in the Reddit forum and someone mentioned to check out Namu Yoga in Ipoh. Next stop--> Namu Yoga Facebook page. Since the page existed, I contacted the person via messenger. At that moment, no classes were running but scheduled to start in November.

So, I joined my first class in November. I got so excited about it and was hoping it wouldn't be the boring stuff.

The class was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! Period.
I continued going for yoga until the first week of March. The teacher, Jia Ern (just call her J) is such a lovely teacher. She makes the class fun, at the same time providing really good info about yoga and what's happening to your pregnant body. She does have quite a good sense of humour too!

It so happen that the classes run on Monday, after working hours, which gave me all the more reason to go. I mean, after the busy weekend and Monday blues, going for yoga while I was pregnant kind of helped me to 'reset' or rather, calm down and relax to begin another awesome week of being pregnant. I just think it's really a good time to just drop everything and focus on myself. The class also gave me the chance to expand my circle of friends as moms-to-be connect and share their experiences.

It's amazing that while pregnant, the body could still be pretty flexible to do all those improvised yoga positions. Pregnancy yoga is safe when done right and J is a certified yoga teacher. She knows what she's doing.

So, if you or someone you know is pregnant, I'd advice you to start soon (provided the you don't have serious complications. You can always check with your doctor first). At this point of writing, I know that J is the only one offering pregnancy yoga in Ipoh.

If you're interested, here's the contact details:
Website: www.namuyogastudio.com
Facebook: Namu Yoga Studio
Instagram: jiaernyoga
Phone: 012 308 4381

Namu Yoga info brochure (click image to enlarge):

Check out the article in Ipoh Echo newspaper: https://www.ipohecho.com.my/v4/article/2018/12/16/when-pregnancy-meets-yoga

*Note: this post is not a paid/sponsored post and is solely based on my own voluntary sharing & experience. External links are true at the time of writing.